The third time I'm attending in three years. Only this time I'm finding more and more people to support.
Yi Chin shot me a "Don't-you-dare" stare. Stare ignored, my own fate awaiting to befall. =P
I have a confession to make, I have always not been able to appreciate the first half of the performance... it's always the second half that I'm waiting for. This time round it's no exception.
Their musical was fun to watch, and I love it that they were thoroughly enjoying themselves putting up their show. Their enthusiasm and joy were infectious and I truly felt it when I was watching.
Picture taken by Yi Wang... of his SP. =P
My personal favourite. =D
Eugene!! Thanks for putting up such a wonderful performance.
I ended the night having supper and then...
ice cream!! Pukka Ice Cream near NUS. It was not bad, but I still prefer Tom's Palette because they offer a whole lot more variety of flavours.
Day 18:
Same shirt, same size... coincidence? Not really... we were in JP in the afternoon and ended up shopping in G2000. I wanted to get different shirt but there was no other shirt that could match the pants I bought that well. So yeah, we were partners for the night. =P
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