What happened in March? Actually, there are only two things worth mentioning...... unless of course, you want to listen to me ranting about my endless CAs and projects. In case you do, make it loud and clear on your MSN and I'll entertain you in no time.
First, Jane's birthday...... which has been given a full coverage in the blogs of the one who stole Yi Wang's Ultraman and the one who attracts mosquitoes. In fact, the coverage is so complete(with all their colourful words, literally) that anything else that I mention here will be an insult to their entries.
Second one took place in the previous weekend. My family came down to visit me!! (So that's what the countdown was about!!) And I was once again reunited with
I bought myself an Oakley bag and my brother, who budgeted a total of RM300 for shopping in Singapore, bought nothing. Determined to not go back empty handed, he went to Queenstown Mall and bought a pair of spanking new Adidas sneakers.
On Sunday, we went to Raffles Marina for lunch.
Finally, thanks Jane for the nice and sweet letter that you wrote. Appreciate it. =)
It still remains a mystery to me as to where yi wang hides his barbie dolls within the room.. I'm sure he plays with it when i'm asleep..
Perhaps it's time to get surveillance camera. Either way, now I'm sure She-is-my-ACP will unleash her ninja skills and infiltrate your room...
Actually...... she is the founder of Zombified Ninja Clan. Do not, under any circumstance, look directly at her face when she ninjitsu you...... or else you'd wish that you had crapped in the toilet earlier
zomg!! *shows the petrified look*
We could be looking at the origins of her abusive behavior..
It could be all due to the fact that Yi Wang stole her barbie dolls in the first place...
So, we can conclude that she sought out this path for revenge..
** the walls have ears**
*imagines walls with ears on it*
Ya.. and they told Shaun.. ask him.. he knows...
they told shaun??? that can only mean one thing.............. ears can talk...
I can only imagine that She-is-my-ACP unleashed one of her ninjitsu's to stalk me, seeing that she is the founder of the Zombified Ninja Clan and knows everything.
the zombified ninja's probably created a pack with the talking ears...
i repeat, xobile?
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