You are a great fun to talk to, and I'm very sure that I can talk to you about virtually anything and everything (ok, maybe apart from cars, tech stuff...... bikes...... which you probably are not interested in. Math, philosophy...... because I'll be ridiculed badly the moment you start to talk =P).
You are very generous as well. I'm sure there are a lot more sandwiches to come in the future...... and maybe even abalone and shark fin soup for us to rinse our mouths right before the sandwiches.
Witty, funny, confident,
Thanks for being there when I need someone to talk to. Thanks for listening to my rants. Glad that I have you as my friend.
Last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HSUEH MING!!! And I want to say I'm sorry for not being able to celebrate your birthday with you even once ever since I've known you.
Thanks for the ego-boosting lies XD It's been great knowing you too, and great talking to you, and here's to many more years of friendship to come!
Lies? What lies?
*whistles innocently*
No lies, of course XD
A LIE!! sure u can talk to him about cars!! in particular bout CAR parking skills... his philosophy behind it is deep man..
Well, it WAS his birthday...... but I'm sure there's one part that's definitely not a lie - the part about him being generous. Rejoice for we will be able to rinse our mouths with abalone before getting sandwiches!!! =P
*thinks back about the 9 mamak session hsueh ming owes me*
*thinks about rinsing the mouth with abalone*
*jumps in joy*
*cries in corner*
*points finger at hsueh ming at the corner and laughs*
*pats hsueh ming at the back for he's lucky that this time, chimp and tobby won't be in town to claim all the mamak sessions*
*nods in agreement*
UPDATE UR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could be difficult for people who barely have time to sleep..
Ah, poor Singaporean students. Too bad you don't have, say, 6 months of holidays.
With all the reading that you have to do before your semester starts, you probably have around 3 months of REAL holiday. So I'm not envious. =P
Damn, the secret is found out XD We don't call it holiday here, we call it vacation, because its no holiday...
Haha, either way, enjoy your vacation. =P
Which will be over in a week. Ah well...
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